Editore: Oxford University Press

Trovato 6 libri in totale
Ocean of Reasoning: A Great Commentary on Nagarjuna's Mulamadhyamakakarika
Tsong khapa (14th-15th centuries) is arguably the most important and influential...
The Tibetan Assimilation of Buddhism
This book explores the Buddhist role in the formation of Tibetan religious thought and...
The Golden Age of Indian Buddhist Philosophy
"Jan Westerhoff unfolds the story of one of the richest episodes in the history of...
The Oxford Handbook of Compassion Science
How do we define compassion? Is it an emotional state, a motivation, a dispositional...
The Profound Reality of Interdependence
The Way of the Bodhisattva, composed by the monk and scholar 'S=antideva in...
Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy of Mind and Nature
Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy of Mind and Nature offers an engaging philosophical...
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