Kathleen McDonald

Kathleen McDonald

Informazioni sull'autore Kathleen McDonald sarà presto aggiunto al sito.
Trovato 5 libri in totale
Awakening the Kind Heart: How to Meditate on Compassion
Everyone appreciates kindness. A smile, a few friendly words, a show of concern when...
Wholesome Fear: Transforming Your Anxiety About Impermanence and Death
With the right perspective, our anxiety around sickness, old age, and death can be a...
Come meditare
Cos’è la meditazione? Perchè meditare? Qual’è la tecnica più adatta per me? La...
How to Meditate a pratical guide
In a world seemingly moving at hyperspeed, it can be daunting to simply slow down ? or...
Simple Joys
If you are reading aloud, reading to share, or just quietly reading in a comfortable...
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